Russ' Icom PCR-1000 Page
I recently picked up an Icom PCR-1000 broadband computer-controlled receiver, and have compiled a collection of useful resources about it.
Official commercial websites
Detailed hardware reviews
Useful software and hardware projects
Schematics, user/service manuals, modification and communication protocol documentation (most in Adobe Acrobat PDF format). To save a local copy on your hard drive, use your web browser's right-mouse/Save Target As... function. Use this information at your own risk.
Frequency and scanning resources for Ottawa, Ontario and Canada
Discussion forums and mailing lists
Other resource lists
My current setup
- Icom PCR-1000 receiver (Canadian version, full unbroken 100 kHz - 1.3 GHz coverage)
- UT-106 audio frequency Digital Signal Processor module for automatic notch filtering and noise reduction
- Radio Shack Discone Antenna (older model, without base-loaded vertical HF whip) fed with 11 metres of RG213/U coaxial cable (mil-spec equivalent to RG8), under 6 dB loss per 100 feet at 1 GHz, 97% braid
- TalkPCR and other control software
- Line-level audio feeding into the Creative Labs Sound Blaster AWE64 Gold card in my server
- Click here to e-mail a request for access to the streaming live audio feed
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