Russ' MAME Links

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Here are some of the best places on the 'net to learn more about MAME and arcade games in general. All links open in a new window so you won't lose this one. Though hand-picked and regularly checked, their content and availability are the responsibility of their owners, not mine. Use this information at your own risk. Refuse any offered program installations and close popups to reduce the risk of viruses and spyware.

General MAME info, downloads, help files, and Frequently Asked Question lists:

Arcade cabinet and control panel design and construction: Commercial arcade cabinet and control panel parts suppliers: Pre-made standalone PC control panels and other game hardware: Usenet newsgroups and other message boards/discussion groups/live chat forums: Download game ROMs and Compressed Hard Drive images: (Some sites may require free registration) Find out all about the original games: (General game info, history, play hints, control panel layouts, manuals, schematic diagrams, DIP switch settings, specifications, service data, promotional flyers, etc.) Original game collecting and restoration: Local arcades, suppliers, enthusiasts and groups in and around Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Fun stuff: Many more MAME-related pages can be found with your favorite search engine, such as Google. MAME World Build Your Own Arcade Controls
Tombstones Vintage Gaming Network SlikStik Oscar Controls
DOS MAME Support

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