"May I have your attention please, for the following announcements..."
-- Clara Wareham
August 14, 2005
New additions to the Alumni Contact List, Guestbook, Discussion Forums and Scholarship/Awards Page More pictures from Scott Campbell, yearbook photographer ('77 - '79) Updated server software PHP, phpBB and Perl for increased security and stability New internet provider, TekSavvy.com, domain name now pointing to new static IP address June 26, 2005
- More details on the Class of '65 Reunion page
- Hit counter reaches 2,000 just after the JMCH page's first anniversary
March 6, 2005
- Added a timeline to the History page
- Security updates and minor cosmetic improvements to the Discussion Forums
- New additions to the Alumni Contact List and Guestbook
- Added more hard disk space to the server for increased flexibility and speed
February 13, 2005
- Added a local Google search to the front page
- Some recent downtime due to server hardware upgrades and reconfiguration
January 16, 2005
- New pictures of awards and other items on display at Carbonear Collegiate from Keith Thomas
- Changed front page title picture to colour architect's sketch. Previous photo now on the History page
January 9, 2005
- New pictures from Scott Campbell, yearbook photographer ('77 - '79)
- Operation Frenchip crest submitted by Jim Case (class of '77)
January 2, 2005
- New additions to the Scholarships page
- Hit counter reaches 1,000 on New Year's Day
December 28, 2004
- Happy Holidays!
- Alumni Survey results now on the Alumni Contact List - add yours today!
- Minor cosmetic improvements on the Discussion Forums
December 19, 2004
- Added a new page for the Class of 1965 Reunion and updated website menus to include it
- Several new entries on the Alumni Contact List
- Upgraded PHP and phpBB software for better server security and performance
December 12, 2004
- Added news of upcoming class of 1965 reunion in late July, 2005. More details coming soon. See the Discussion Forum for latest info
- Reorganized Discussion Forum topics to expand reunion coverage
December 5, 2004
- Added the 1980 yearbook to the gallery
- Added the 1965 Reflector yearbook to the gallery featuring Glen Murray, Art Reid, Stanley Marshall and other well-known Carbonear residents. Thanks to Winnifred Pilgrim (Ash) (class of '68) for the scans
- 26-hour downtime on Thursday/Friday due to ISP administration issues
November 28, 2004
- Added Harvey Beck to the In Memoriam page
- Added some names to the 1971 Grade 1 picture, still looking for the rest. Apparently I was the original inspiration for Dilbert. :-)
- Coming soon: The 1985 Graduation/Reunion video, and 1965 yearbook
November 21, 2004
- Added several new entries to the Alumni Contact List
- Discussion Forums back on line after a brief down time for MySQL database software upgrades
November 14, 2004
- Added scans of the 1983-85 yearbook and pictures of the infamous blue JMCH school jacket to the Picture Gallery, both submitted by Mistie Lynch (class of '84). Thanks!
- Added the 1984 gradutation theme to the Sound and Video page
- Added news ticker to the front page (basically a copy of this one), courtesy of JavaScript Kit
- Minor layout changes to improve appearance on other web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox
October 23, 2004
- Added more RAM to the server (256 to 448 MB) and upgraded PHP, should improve responsiveness of the Discussion Forum and Picture Gallery
- Added this news page, updated front menu and quick navigation bars to include it
- Some down time this week due to ISP connection interruptions and server tweaking
October 17, 2004
- Added complete faculty/staff list to the History page
- Added the Scholarship and Trivial Pursuit pages
- Added Derek Hiscock and Geoffrey Hiscock to the In Memoriam page
How the JMCH Website was Born
I was a yearbook photographer between 1980 and 1981, and still had a box containing over 100 black-and-white candid and colour graduation pictures from that time period, along with half a dozen old yearbooks, newspaper clippings, awards and other souvenirs. After hearing from a classmate through (where else) Classmates.com during the summer of 2004, I realized that since I also had a flatbed scanner and ran a web server, creating a website dedicated to our old school was the obvious thing to do. It's since become a pet project and labour of love, and I've learned more about the school lately than I knew while attending it 25 years ago. Hopefully it will continue to grow with the participation of other former students and staff.
-- Russ Gladden, JMCH Class of '81.